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This is my black/womens history project for world history 7. I would like to thank my teacher Sarah Peterson and all my classmates. Below is the script for this movie.Arthur Ashe Movie ScriptLuke Buchanan4/10/08 Arthur Ashe was the top ranked tennis player in the 1960’s and 70’s. In a segregated time he was a pioneer for the black community. He remains the only black man to win mens singles at Wimbledon. He was a leader, a humanitarian, a social activist, an educator and an athlete.His legacy began in 1943, in the segregated south. His mother died when he was very young, so he was raised by his dad in Richmond, Virginia. He grew up on Brooke field, where he developed an early talent for tennis. He was also very well educated, he was a straight A student who knew how to read at the age of five. He graduated high school first in his class and went on to be the first in his family to graduate college.After serving in the army for two years he began his amateur career in tennis. He joined many clubs and organizations, often the first African American to do so. He protested the 1968 Olympic games because of racial segregation. He also became the US Lawn Tennis Association Champion in 1968.He Reached Professional ranking in 1969. He became a great role model for children of all race and position. He often spoke for higher education and equality. He Co-founded the Association of tennis professionals. He won 880 games and earned 51 titles. He was champion of the US open the Australian Open and Wimbleden. He got a south African visa so he could go to Africa and protest apartheid. He married Jeanne Moutoussamy in 1977 then suffered a heart attack two years later. He survived but the blood transfusion he received carried HIV. He continued to live and work and inspire, founding ABC Cities Tennis Program, the Athlete-Career Connection, and the Safe Passage Foundation. He then published a book entitled, “A long road to Glory”. He died from his Aids in 1993.He may have passed but his memory shall live on forever. He remains in the tennis hall of fame. He has been honored after his death with things like having UCLA’s health center named after him. An award for great courage is called the Arthur Ashe award. A statue of him was erected in richmond. He finished his last writing, “Days of Grace”, a memoir, only days before his death. He said,“Not the tennis court but the arena of protest and politics would be the single most significant testing ground for me in the middle years of my life.”Arthur Ashe was a great American hero. He was a phenomenal athlete and an inspiring individual. He will forever be remembered.

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